Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum Guide.

Are you planning on visiting Thinktank Birmingham? Would you like information on Thinktank vouchers or discount offers? How about the best spots for free Thinktank parking? Well you’re in the right place! Scroll on for everything you need to visit this award-winning science museum from a local resident. Find out how to get cheap or … Read moreThinktank Birmingham Science Museum Guide.

10 Benefits Of Forest School

The benefits of attending a regular forest school outdoors in nature are numerous. From developing motor skills to promoting positive mental health outcomes here are 10 benefits of Forest school: DEVELOPMENT OF COLLABORATIVE LEARNING SKILLS. Through a variety of outdoor activities children learn to work and collaborate with others. This may be in mixed age … Read more10 Benefits Of Forest School

What is Forest School & why we love it.

It seems to be the latest buzz phrase when it comes to outdoor and extra-curricular activities associated with schools and nurseries so what is forest school exactly and why all the hype? We’ve been attending various ones for at least two years now so let’s delve a little into the what and the why. What … Read moreWhat is Forest School & why we love it.